Modernization and extension of Prague Masarykovo railway station

The modernization and completion of ŽST Praha Masarykovo railway station is part of a broader plan for the development and modernization of railway transport infrastructure within the Czech Republic. The goal of modernization was to increase the capacity of the railway station by increasing the number of platforms and improving the comfort of passengers. The most distinctive element of the project is the covering of the transportation corridor by the platform. As part of the team, JCA provided the overall architectural and material solution for the modernization of the railway station across all building objects, especially the design of the decking over the transportation corridor, the design of the bridge structure, and the design of the platforms and platform shelters. JCA was involved in the design of the glass roof over the decking with integrated photovoltaic cells in the glass panels and the design of the landscaping, including a game element and a water feature. The design was coordinated with neighboring projects such as the Masaryčka building (PENTA), the revitalization of Na Florenci Street, the reconstruction of the adjacent square, and the realization of the hotel building (PENTA) connected with the platform by a footbridge.
Total area
18.000 m2
2023 construction documentationClient
Správa Železnic